Anne B is in the Yogathon! I need sponsors for my 108 poses!

April 16, 2013 · by Anne Barbaret · Yoga
On Saturday April 27th, the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco will be holding it’s 7th Annual Yogathon in which members from all areas of the IYISF community will come together for a practice of all 108 asanas followed by a silent auction and potluck to raise funds for the Institute.
As a Yogathon Fundraiser, I have committed to raising a minimum of $250, funds that will go directly to IYISF and support the growth of the community and programming that has played an important role in my life as a student and as a teacher.

Would you be willing to to contribute $10 (or more!) to help me reach my goal?  Donations can be made directly on the IYISF webpage here: sure to indicate you are my sponsor!);  or if you prefer, we can arrange for a check to be mailed to IYISF.

 Thank you in advance for your consideration and your support.