Dear Students & Friends; I am raising funds for the “11th Annual Yogathon: In the Light of B.K.S. Iyengar” event which is a celebration of yoga and the annual IYANC/IYISF fundraiser event. I invite you to come on June 2nd to participate in the class (108 poses challenge!) and/or come for food & refreshments after wards and hear stories from many teachers who were fortunate to study under the tutelage of BKS Iyengar.
Please help me reach and surpass my $2,000 goal. I have been fortunate to discover yoga taking a class with an Iyengar teacher years back, and this was a life changing event: from a casual student, I took the teacher training at IYISF and eventually became a full time instructor. IYISF is a non-profit organization and depends on donations, classes & training’ revenue; and the work for our generous volunteers. Thank you, Merci and Happy Yoga! Anne
or just give me a check/cash when you see me!